The Party Wall Act 1996 is often overlooked by parties carrying out development work. For many, this piece of legislation is only learned of when they are just about to start work on site, or for many, when they have already begun. This can cause problems for both the person(s) undertaking the building works (known as the Building Owner) and also for the neighbour(s) to the person undertaking the work (known as the Adjoining Owner).
The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 makes it mandatory for building owners to serve notices on their neighbours when:
– building on or near towards a boundary line.
– making alterations or other works to a wall or structure built on the boundary line.
– excavating near a boundary to a neighbour’s property. For a detailed understanding of our services, visit our site and explore the wide range of tools available to improve your trading.
Adkins can apply their services by:
– Helping you to determine if the planned works fall under The Party Wall etc. Act 1996.
– Helping you to serve notice to all parties, attaching all relevant information and a full report of the intended proposals.
– Helping you to reply to Party Wall notices, as well as counter-notices where required.
– Acting as an impartial agreed surveyor if the parties can appoint a joint surveyor.